четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Fed: 1,000 unionists to rally against Cole report in Melbourne

Fed: 1,000 unionists to rally against Cole report in Melbourne

About 1,000 union delegates will march through the centre of Melbourne today to stresstheir opposition to the recommendations of the Cole royal commission.

The delegates will attend a briefing on the final report of the royal commission intothe nation's building and construction industry.

The briefing is due at the city's Regent Theatre at 10am (AEST).

Later, they will march on the headquarters of federal ministers, 4 Treasury Place, at noon.

The report, released last month, found evidence of widespread corruption in the commercialbuilding and construction industries.

It recommends tough new anti-corruption measures, including a watchdog to crack downon intimidation and criminal behaviour on building sites and new laws to regulate theindustry.

It also calls for pattern bargaining - the practice of the bulk negotiation of enterpriseagreements in an industry - to be outlawed.

AAP RTV am/wz


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